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published by Access Consciousness

We are a family owned and operated business.

In Portuguese:

* Being You, Changing the World - Dr. Dain Heer *
E-book: R $ 24.99
Printed: R $ 127.00

* Getting Out of Debt with Joy - Simone Milasas *
E-book: R $ 24.99
Printed: R $ 146.00

* Joy of Business - Simone Milasas *
Printed: R $ 114.70

* How to become money - Workbook - Gary Douglas and Dain Heer *
Printed: R $ 108.08

* Relationship, are you sure you want one? - Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt *
E-book: R $ 24.99

* Body, as creating consciousness - Patty Alfonso *
Printed: R $ 96.06

* The baby unicorn manifesto - Dr. Dain Heer and Katherine Wallentin *
E-book: R $ 24.99
Printed: R $ 78.15

* Radically Live Beyond Abuse - Dr. Lisa Cooney *
E-book: R $ 24.99

* Money lies - Dr. Lisa Cooney *
E-book: R $ 24.99
Printed: R $ 113.73

* Pragmatic psychology: tools to be crazy happy - Susanna Mittermaier *
E-book: R $ 24.99
Printed: R $ 125,03

* Choosing happiness: an unusual way to find joy in your life - Rudrani Devi *
E-book: R $ 24.99
Printed: R $ 90.29

* 7 steps for effective communication - Kass Thomaz *
Printed: R $ 57.45



* If you change the world *

* Money is not the problem, you are - Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer *

Print and e-book:

* Joy of Business - Simone Milasas *

Print and e-book:

* How to become money - Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* Salon des Femmes - Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* Relationship, are you sure you want one? - Simone Milasas and Brendon Watt *

Print and e-book:

* Joy of your Body - Dr. Dain Heer *

Print and e-book:

* Talking to the Entities - Shannon O'Hara *

Print and e-book:



* How to become money - Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* How to Become Money Advanced - Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* Talking to the Entities - Shannon O'Hara *

Print and e-book:

* The Return of the Gentleman - Dr. Dain Heer *

Print and e-book:

* Business joy - Simone Milasas *

Print and e-book:

* Would you teach a fish to climb a tree? - Anne Maxwell *


* 7 steps to effective communication - Kass Thomas *

Print and e-book:

* 10 keys to total freedom - Dr. Dain Heer and Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* Talking to the animals - Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* Conscious Leadership: the key to unlock success - Chutisa Bowman & Steven Bowman *

Print and e-book:

* Conscious parents, conscious children - Steven Bowman, Chutisa Bowman, Dr. Dain Heer and Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* Living beyond the distraction - Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:

* Projections, Expectations, Separations, Judgments and Rejections - Gary Douglas *

Print and e-book:



*Siendo tu, cambiando el mundo - Dr. Dain Heer*

Este es un libro muy diferente. Está escrito para los soñadores de este mundo - las personas que saben que algo diferente es posible - pero que nunca antes tuvieron las herramientas. ¿Y si te dijera que las herramientas existen? ¡Las posibilidades sobre las que siempre soñaste, son posibles! Este libro te proveerá de un conjunto de herramientas prácticas y dinámicas y procesos que te dan el poder para saber lo que es verdad para ti y lo que en verdad TÚ eres. ¿Qué tal si, Siendo Tú, puedes cambiarlo todo - tú vida, tus relaciones, cuerpo, situaciones de dinero... y el mundo. Allá por el año 2000, yo era un quiropráctico aparentemente exitoso. Pero bajo la superficie de eso, yo estaba muy deprimido. Llegue a un momento en la vida en la que yo estaba listo para terminarlo todo. Le di al universo seis meses... Y luego, de repente, después de tratar cada método de auto-ayuda y modalidad espiritual que pude, yo me encontré con algo que me cambio la vida - Access Consciousness®.

Access es un sistema para abrir las puertas a todo y a cualquier cosa que es posible en este mundo. Al darte acceso a tú saber, al incrementar dinámicamente tú percepción y consciencia y al incluirlo todo y no juzgar nada. Por favor ten en cuenta, yo no tengo ninguna respuesta para ti. Solo Preguntas. Únicamente tú sabes lo que es verdad para ti. A lo que yo te estoy invitando es a explorar lo que en realidad eres, junto conmigo. Mi propio camino a la consciencia esta recorriéndose, al igual que el tuyo. Si tú así lo quieres este libro podrá guiarte a Ser Tú y cambiar el Mundo. ¿Es ahora el momento? ¿Es esto lo que tú has estado esperando?

Puede encontrarlo en un libro electrónico o impreso para Brasil o Estados Unidos

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*Dinero no es o problema, tu lo eres - Gary Douglas e Dr. Dain Heer* 


El Dinero No Es El Problema, Tú lo Eres, está escrito para personas que vive n en un constante estado de dificultad en relación al dinero, ya sea que se trate de que lo gastan demasiado, no tienen suficiente, o que tienen demasiado.

En el Dinero No Es El Problema, Tú lo Eres ~ Gary M. Douglas y Dr. Dain Heer comparten procesos, herramientas y Puntos de Vista, que tú puedes usar para cambiar la manera en que el dinero fluye en tú vida. Gary y Dain han trabaja do con muchísimas personas en relación al dinero: desde algunos que tení an 10 dólares en sus bolsillos hasta personas que tenían diez millones. Lo interesante es que todos ellos tenían el mismo tema y no tenía nada que ver con el dinero. Tenía que ver con lo que cada uno de ellos estaba dispuesto a recibir. Lo que tú no estás dispuesto a recibir crea la limitación de lo que tú puedes tener. Cama ESO y el dinero ya no será ~ ¡un tema!


Puede encontrarlo en un libro electrónico o impreso para Brasil o Estados Unidos

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*El gozo de los negocios – Simone Milasas*

¿Qué pasaría si los NEGOCIOS fueran algo GOZOSO y DIVERTIDO? ¿Y si fueran mucho más de lo que nunca percibiste que fuera posible? ¿Si crearas tu negocio desde la perspectiva del GOZO, que elegirías? ¿Qué cambiarías? ¿Qué elegirías si supieras que no puedes fallar? Los negocios son GOZO, son creación, son generadores. Los negocios pueden ser la aventura de VIVIR. La australiana Simone Milasas, es una líder de negocios, dinámica y muy diferente. Ella es la coordinadora mundial de Access Consciousness® (Acceso a la consciencia), (, la fundadora de Good Vibes for You (Buenas vibras para ti), y la chispa creativa que encendió The Joy of Business (El gozo de los negocios).

Puede encontrarlo en un libro electrónico o impreso para Brasil o Estados Unidos

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*Como convertirse en dinero - Gary Douglas* 

Este libro es un libro de trabajo canalizado por el fundador de Access Consciousness®, Gary M. Douglas, para darte mayor claridad y facilidad con el dinero - ¡Pasos simples para obtener claridad sobre el dinero y cómo empezar a tener más! ¿Qué tal si el dinero es sólo un vehículo para cambiar al mundo? ¿Qué tal si estuvieras dispuesto a recibir cantidades ilimitadas de dinero?

Puede encontrarlo en un libro impreso para Brasil o Estados Unidos

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*Salon des Femmes - Gary Douglas*

Gary Douglas tiene la misión de terminar con el perpetuo conflicto entre los hombres y las mujeres. Salón de Féminas está basado en una serie de tele clases que Douglas sostuvo con un grupo de mujeres. Ellos disertaron sobre hombres, sexo, relaciones, el rol entre hombres y mujeres, y el crear relaciones sorprendentes y armoniosas. Combina los innovadores procesos y herramientas de Access Consciousness®, las profundas revelaciones y reconfortantes inspiraciones. Douglas dice: "Mi deseo es darle a las mujeres en el mundo un sentido de paz más grandioso con los demás, paz con sí mismas y el lugar donde no se sientan como que tienen que pelear por todo lo que están obteniendo". Douglas alienta a las mujeres para que se vuelvan "Pragmáticas de la feminidad", aplicando sus poderes femeninos para crear lo que ellas quieren. Una "relación pragmática" es donde las parejas procuran hacer que las cosas funcionen para todos los involucrados, él dice: "Felices para siempre no ocurre a menos que estés dispuesto a volverte pragmático acerca de tus elecciones".

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*Relación ¿Estás seguro que quieres una? - Simone Milasas e Brendon Watt* 

Este no es un libro promedio respecto a las relaciones. No esta “endulzado”, solo son consejos prácticos y herramientas escritos por los autores, Simone y Brendon, para que puedas tener la perspectiva masculina y femenina. Alerta: ¡quizá no te guste lo que escuches!
Damas, el hombre de tu vida no te pidió que vinieras y lo cambiaras a lo que tú has decidido que es el hombre perfecto para ti.   
Refrescantemente honesto, el libro habla de:  
• Porqué no existe la relación perfecta 
• Porqué tú eres el producto valioso                                                                                                                                       • Las claves para la intimidad
• Elegir para ti  
• Porqué la gratitud es la clave para dejar ir el juicio  
Relación. ¿Estás seguro que quieres una? Es una forma totalmente diferente de ver las relaciones.   
Para mi, una relación es acerca de dos personas diferentes que han elegido estar juntos por un espacio para crear algo que es mucho más grandioso de lo que cada uno crearía si estuviera soltero. 
Si quieres tener una relación grandiosa, ya sea con alguien más o contigo mismo, entonces este libro quizá sea justo para ti. 

Puede encontrarlo en un libro electrónico o impreso para Brasil o Estados Unidos

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*El gozo de tu cuerpo - Dr. Dain Heer*

Este no es como ningún otro libro que tú hayas leído. Es acerca de tu cuerpo desde la perspectiva del SER. Te ofrecerá nuevas y sorprendentes maneras de explorar como tú, como el ser infinito que eres, puedes experimentar la grandiosidad de tu cuerpo. ¿Qué sucedería si tu cuerpo fuera una fuente inagotable de gozo? Este libro no contiene respuestas. Te motivará, en cambio, a hacerte preguntas que podrán crear para ti una forma complemente diferente de comunicarte con tu cuerpo, de crear tu cuerpo, de sanar tu cuerpo y de jugar con tu cuerpo. “¿Qué tal si la grandeza de tu cuerpo se hallara en el gozo que tú puedes disfrutar con él? ¿Empezarías hoy?

Puede encontrarlo en un libro electrónico o impreso para Brasil o Estados Unidos

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*Hablando com las Entidades – Shannon O’Hara*

Únete a shannon o'; hara en un viaje por el mundo visto através de ojos muy distintos. Através de la experiencia de una chica que crece viendo, oyendo y hablando con los espíritus, hablando con las entidades comparte una mirada excepcional en un mundo que muchos conocen, pero pocos reconocen. En algunas ocasiones, la consciencia de los demá s a nuestro alrededor es una bendición, y en otras ocasiones, una maldición, aunque es fascinante a cada momento. Vulnerable, absorbente y empoderador, hablando con las entidades establece un estándar completamente nuevo para los libros de su categoráa y continuará inspirando una forma distinta de ver el mundo ahora y hacia el futuro. Advertencia: después de leer esto, tal vez nunca veas el mundo de igual forma y empieces a abrir tus propias habilidades con las entidades. La consciencia es la más grandiosa aventura. ¿ quées lo que sabes que estás pretendiendo no saber? .

Puede encontrarlo en un libro electrónico o impreso para Brasil o Estados Unidos

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*How to become money - Gary Douglas* 

This book is a workbook channeled by the founder of access consciousness, gary douglas to give you greater clarity and ease with money. Simple steps to getting clarity around money and how to start having more. What if money was just a vehicle to change the world? what if you were willing to receive unlimited amounts of money? 

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States
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*How to become money Advanced – Gary Douglas*

What if money was a vehicle to change the world? what if you were willing to receive unlimited amounts of money? what is money? for some, money is cars; for some, money is houses; for some, money is security. But, is money any of those things? no, its not. Money is energy, just as are you energy. There is no difference between you and money except the points of view that you give it. What if you could be money? what if you could be the energy that creates, generates, and produces money? if you could change your financial reality by looking at the points of view you have about money, would you choose to do so? the advanced how to become money workbook by gary m. Douglas picks up where the original how to become money workbook leaves off. It is full of more advanced questions and processes designed to facilitate the insane and limited points of view you have created around money and to create greater ease in your life- ; with a lot more money and currency flows.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*The Penny Capitalist - James J. Hester*

Are you the sort of person who runs out of money on the 25th of every month, has no savings account, and wonders how you’ll ever find the money to get your daughter’s teeth straightened? Then meet James Hester.
He and his wife had $70 and a four-year-old Studebaker when they were married in 1955. By 1968 they had a better car, more than their fair share of personal belongings, and $14,000. Then their net worth increased to $300,000. The increase was more than his total salary. They did this while raising three sons and maintaining a comfortable standard of living.
Amazing? It certainly is. Lucky? Not at all! James Hester followed a plan—and you can use it every bit as effectively as he did.
Originally published in 1979, The Penny Capitalist is now held in 236 libraries worldwide. Copies have been advertised on E-Bay for up to $900.
Why republish a 30-plus-year-old book? Markets fluctuate. Human nature hasn’t changed. The opportunities are still out there. Each generation has to learn it all over again.
Markets go up and markets go down. When they go down, the average investor panics and sells out at the bottom. When they go up, the average investor waits to see if the rally is real. By the time they decide to buy, the market is topping out. The savvy investor does just the opposite. As Warren Buffett has said, “When people get fearful, I get greedy. When people get greedy, I get fearful.”

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Talk to the entities – Shannon O’Hara*

Welcome the first book written by shannon o hara, founder and creator of talk to the entities® ; a global company educating and empowering people in the area of entities using the amazing tools of access consciousness® Come along on shannon s amazing journey growing up, talking with and seeing ghosts, as well as all the struggles, difficulties, joy and magic along the way. If you have ever had any curiosity about this subject at all, this book is for you. If you want to learn how to open up to your own abilities with entities, this book is for you. If you want to change the way you perceive the world, and also the way we think, feel and know about ghosts, then this book is for you. If you do not desire to open up to different possibilities, this book is not for you. You never know, this book may even show you something you have known all along and never realized you knew? this is a rare glimpse into a world that many know, but few rarely see. What if awareness could be your greatest ally? what is speaking to you.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Return of the gentleman – Dr. Dain Heer*

Can a man be honorable, kind, and caring as well as potent? For over a decade, Dr. Dain Heer, internationally renowned author, speaker, and co-creator of Access Consciousness, has been providing resources to deal with these issues.

Now, in this uniquely conversational and interactive work, he empowers men (and women who want to under-stand what the men in their lives may be facing) to answer the questions at the heart of this challenge.

First and foremost, says Dr. Heer, "being a true gentleman is about being the greatest you can be as a man-whatever that looks like for you," and his book is full of tools and strategies to help you get there. 

With his trademark honesty, playful curiosity, and humor, he offers compelling insights and powerful, transformative questions that will help you open up to new possibilities.

You’ll explore how you may be cutting off parts of yourself to fit into the boxes of others’ expectations—and an effective tool to let go of toxic beliefs, clearing the way for new, authentic experiences in your life. You’ll discover the myths and ingrained patterns that can ruin your chances for a fulfilling relationship and how to build nurturing connections with both the men and women in your life (as well as with the man in the mirror). And finally, you’ll learn keys for honoring others without losing yourself and for inspiring the next generation with the three gifts a gentleman can give to the children in his life.

Today gender relations are at a crossroads. While there are many valuable conversations supporting women through this journey, our culture is also facing a masculinity crisis as we redefine views about manhood and what it means to be a gentleman.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Joy of business- Simone Milasas* 

What if BUSINESS was JOYFUL and FUN? What if it was so much more than you ever perceived possible? If you were creating your business from the JOY of it - what would you choose? What would you change? What would you choose if you knew you could not fail? Business is JOY, it's creation, it's generative. It can be the adventure of LIVING. Australia's Simone Milasas is a dynamic business leader with a difference. She is the worldwide coordinator of Access Consciousness™ (, the founder of Good Vibes For You (, and the creative spark that ignited The Joy of Business ( "I LOVED reading this book. It has changed so many things for me. I see the places in business where I stuck only one toe in the water rather than choosing the adventure of immersing my whole body and being. I have also become more aware of how to communicate with people whose style of communication is different from mine. Holy moly, that is huge! Thank you, Simone, for reminding me of how differently I do business and that anything is possible-no matter what anyone else says.' -Diva Diaz, Australia.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Would You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree? - Anne Maxwell* 

"Would You Teach a Fish to Climb a Tree? A Different Take on Kids with ADD, ADHD, OCD and Autism" provides us with a refreshing and new perspective on these children who are so different from their peers. Co-authored by three practitioners who have had remarkable success working with them, this book is filled with practical tools, stories, observations, and life changing questions that can be used by anyone who has one of these kids in their life and who is looking for something different. These children are magical and you are sure to fall in love with many of them. There are many magical adults as well … those who are willing to step beyond what so many experts in the field advocate, into what they actually know to be effective with the children. Parents and siblings and relatives; teachers and therapists and administrators; peers and loved ones and friends … all will benefit from this groundbreaking book.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*7 Steps to Flawless Communication: How to establish true connection with yourself and everyone and everything around you - Kass Thomas* 

Kass Thomas is an author, radio personality, speaker, and Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator. She travels the world training groups and individuals in the areas of communication, relationships, body language, business, and money.

What exactly does she do? She asks a lot of questions.

Here is a sample of some of her favorites:

What magic can I be and receive today with everyone and everything around me?

What else is possible here that I have not yet even imagined?

What can I look at differently here?

What question can I ask that would increase my awareness?

Kass has written this little guidebook to help you uncover your true communicative nature.

"That there is so much more that connects us than that separates us is something I've somehow always known. The fact that there is very little manifested in this reality to encourage that has never dissuaded me.”

- Kass Thomas

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*10 keys to total freedom - Dr. Dain Heer e Gary Douglas* 

These are the Ten Keys to Total Freedom.

They are a way of living that will help you expand your capacity for consciousness so that you can have greater awareness about yourself, your life, this reality and beyond. With greater awareness you can begin creating the life you've always known was possible but haven't yet achieved. If you will actually do and be these things, you will get free in every aspect of your life.

People have used these Ten Keys to get over depression, lack of money, relationship issues, body problems and many other situations that have seemed insurmountable.

Gary Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer explored the Ten Keys to Total Freedom in detail on a series of telecalls and conversations over a period of ten weeks with Access Consciousness® Facilitators and other people from all over the world.

This book is based on these main principles of Access Consciousness® that have changed, and continue to improve, people's lives worldwide.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Talk to the animals - Gary Douglas*

"Talk to the Animals" by Gary M. Douglas & Dr. Dain Heer gives you pragmatic tools and techniques to actually talk to the animals and contribute to the earth! What if peace was a natural state for animals? When you create or tap into a place of peace for your horse, dog or cat, then everything becomes calm, cool and're in the zone. Did you know that every animal, plant and structure on this planet has consciousness and desires to gift to you?

If you are unwilling to receive, then you miss out on what they wish to give you. You also limit your ability to receive in every area of life...the money you can have, what you can experience and what is possible for you! Did you know animals can talk? It's interesting to observe animals misbehaving when we don't listen to them. They know what they require and they'll communicate that to you, if you're able to receive it. Animals telepathically pick up on all your thoughts, feelings and emotions. That's language to them and they can give you the whole picture of what's going on for them, if you ask the question. One of the greatest gifts that animals give to us is the way they receive from us without judgment and without limitation. They give us the opportunity to do the one thing that most of us never get the chance to do, to totally gift everything we have without limitation or consideration. What if your animals are more conscious than you are? When you acknowledge their consciousness, they will start to behave differently with you. They can teach you how to have a more expansive reality and they'll give this to you if you will listen. Animals can help you learn to function with the Earth. That is the gift of being able to talk to them.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Conscious Leadership: the key to unlock sucess - Chutisa Bowman & Steven Bowman* 

This Conscious Leadership book is a gift to every individual, leader and organisation dedicated to creating a life that is greater than what they now have, and to making a difference in the world. It is an invitation for those people who choose to be more conscious in their leadership, with an emphasis that no particular way is right or wrong.

The book is a creation of Chutisa Bowman and Steven Bowman with major contribution from Gary Douglas, based on a foundation of expanded consciousness and business experience that provides transformational tools that can unlock and open doors for leaders to be more conscious. This book empowers leaders to become conscious of and shift any part of their reality that isn't working. It shows leaders how to make the personal journey towards becoming powerful and conscious leaders.

This book has been created to convey at a macro level the tools for all leaders and businesses endeavoring to become more conscious. The writing of this book has been a joyful and expansive experience and we trust that you will find something that relates to your own personal situation. Authors of "Prosperity Consciousness" and "Leading from the Edge of Possibility: No More Business As Usual"

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Conscious Parents, Conscious Kids - Steven Bowman, Chutisa Bowman, Dr. Dain Heer e Gary Douglas* 

A refreshing departure from conventional parenting books, Conscious Parents, Conscious Kids is a collection of inspiring articles written by parents about the techniques for conscious parenting—raising children with respect, love and awareness. It also features uplifting articles from kids who share their experiences being raised by parents using these techniques.

Conscious Parents, Conscious Kids addresses the question “Wouldn’t it be great if you could create the space that allowed your kids to unleash their potential and burst through the limitations that hold them back?” It inspires parents to create that space that allows their kids to unleash their potential and burst through limitations that hold them back; to create ease, joy and glory in everything they do and to consciously take charge of their lives.

Articles topics include: the five elements of conscious parenting; parenting without control; allowing kids to be who they are; treating kids with respect; parenting from awareness; dealing with challenging and special needs kids, and the “ten commandments of Access.” Kids share their experiences of living at choice and to not be controlled; of being treated with respect and non-judgment.

You can find it in e-book or in print 

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*Living beyond distraction - Gary Douglas*

When you find yourself in a situation that you don't seem to be able to change, you may be stuck in a distractor implant. A distractor implant is designed to be triggered by the events of your life and to create distractions that keep you from being all that you can truly be and having the life you would truly like to have. They're the reason we believe we have no choice in anything. This book provides information and effective tools that will enable you recognize the distractor implants and become free of them.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Projections, Expectations, Separations, Judgments & Rejections - Gary Douglas*

“What if you were the best thing that ever happened on planet Earth?  All the projections and expectations you’ve defined as meaningful are the things that keep you from being everything you are.”

Gary Douglas, in conversation with participants in a life-changing Access Consciousness® class, describes what projections, expectations, separations, judgments, and rejections are, the way they destroy you, your life, and your relationships, and how to get free of them and be everything you are.

As class participants ask questions about money, business, work, love, sex, bodies, parents, family, and kids, Gary offers lively stories, provocative questions, and amazingly effective tools, and clearings that will enable you to clearly see what is in front of you, and to change anything in your life.

“If you have no projections, expectations, separations, judgments, and rejections, you can actually be happy!”

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*The Gentlemen's Club - Dr. Dain Heer*

In The Gentlemen's Club, Gary Douglas, the founder of Access Consciousness®, and a diverse group of men talk candidly about women, relationships, sex, sexual energy, masturbation, and being a man in this reality. Their wide-ranging conversations are in turn, funny, moving, outrageous, raunchy, and profound. Douglas offers ground-breaking Access Consciousness tools and processes, insightful revelations, and incredible information about how talk to a woman, how to stimulate her body, how to create orgasms by expansion rather than contraction, and how to create sex and relationship from an awareness of what is rather than a fixed point of view about what they are supposed to be.

Speaking of relationships, he says, "Sometimes people say to me, 'You don't like relationships.' No. It's that I don't like bad relationships. I see no reason for there to ever be a bad relationship. If you have a relationship, it should be something that adds to your life and makes it greater and better and more fun. If a relationship doesn't do that, why be in one?" Douglas also talks about trusting yourself as a man, creating a sense of partnership with other men, and discovering what it is that would make you thrilled with your life. Praise from Gentlemen's Club Participant: "I'm so grateful for The Gentlemen's Club. For the first time in my life, I'm happy about being a man and being in a man's body." Praise from Gentlemen's Club Participant's wife: "Thank you so much for doing these classes. I've got back the man that I fell in love with."

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*The Lady - Gary Douglas*

Are You a Lady or a Woman?

The Lady is about a kind, elegant, playful and very powerful way of being in the world that extends to all aspects of life, from business, money and parenting to flirtation, seduction and sex.

A lady is a source of power that creates possibility.  She chooses to be everything that she is without being defined by what others think she should be.  She knows what she desires and how to get it.  She leads without controlling she never has to compete with anyone.

This book is about fully receiving and enjoying the beauty, power, fun and excitement of who you are.

It describes a way of being that welcomes men and women to be kind, understanding, and knowledgeable about the world and how to navigate it.

"A lady is always an inspiration to others, just by knowing who he or she is.”

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Being of Light - Shannon O'Hara*

We are accompanied on this planet by the most splendid ‘mega-beings’. Some have called them angels, others guardians, and now BEINGS of LIGHT.
Most have forgotten them, others totally disbelieve and very few receive. The Beings of Light are here to work with us to create greatness on earth.  To enjoy the greatness of embodiment and flourish with life and nature. Diving into this book will be an energetic experience like no other.  Open the book and start RECEIVING.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Right Riches for You - Dr. Dain Heer e Gary M. Douglas*

What Does Money Mean to You? Have you decided that money is more valuable than you? "Money is never the problem in our lives," says Gary Douglas. "It's about what we're willing to receive. And what we're willing to receive is just a choice." What are you choosing to receive? Are you choosing to have money in your life? What if generating money and having money was fun and joyful? What if, in having fun and joy with money, you receive more of it? What would that be like? Money follows joy; joy does not follow money. Do you only generate enough money to "get by?" Have you made having money unattainable? What if you could generate obscene amounts of wealth easily and joyfully? Most programs about money deal with saving or investing; they do not address how to make money a reality in your life. Right Riches for You contains a unique set of practical tools and energetic processes you can use to unlock the areas of your life where you limit the amount of money you can have and receive. The Right for You tools empower you to change your financial situation with ease and permanence. It's simply a choice. What are you choosing?

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Right Body For You: How to have a healthy relationship with your body - Gary Douglas e Donielle Carter*

Gary Douglas is a masterful teacher on how to live consciously with full awareness and respectful communication. Breaking the mold of conventional diet and exercise books, Right Body for You is a guide to communicating with your most precious friend and lifelong companion—your body – and how to listen to your body’s wisdom for health and vitality.

Right Body for You goes far beyond the usual prescriptions for diet and lifestyle changes. It provides a range of tools to help you change whatever about your body isn’t working for you based on your particular body’s needs. And at the same time, it will raise your awareness around your attitudes about food, aging, health, and money.

Radio talk show host Donielle Carter shares how by applying the Access tools and processes she went through a complete transformation – dropping from size 16 to size 6 – and from hiding from the world to being “willing to be the gift to the world that I can be.”

"Any area of your life that isn't ease, joy and glory is where you have a lack of consciousness or awareness,” states Gary. In this book, Gary shows the body is no exception.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*Sex Is Not a Four Letter Word But Relationship Often Times Is - Gary Douglas e Dain Heer*

This is a sharp and refreshing departure from conventional books about sex and relationship that are based on psychological theories and principles. "If those really worked," writes Gary Douglas, "wouldn't you have been free, expansive and joyful in your relationship a long time ago?" Funny, frank, and delightfully irreverent, Sex Is Not a Four Letter Word but Relationship Often Is, offers readers an entirely fresh view of how to create great intimacy and exceptional sex, and provides answers to questions you may never have thought to ask.

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*A World of Choice, A World of Freedom - Gary Douglas*

Do you realize that every choice you make determines what shows up in your life? 

A World of Choice, A World of Freedom is about recognizing that only by our choice do we create anything, and that every choice we make creates our reality.  

So the question becomes: What do you wish to create? 

Gary talks about how to become brilliant with money, how to choose what works for you, and how to acknowledge what you have chosen, without judgment, so you can expand your capacity for choice, and actualize the future you truly desire.  

Begin to see what is actually possible for you. Your choice is all it takes to create it. Your choice can create anything. 

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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*The Place - Gary Douglas*

As Jake Rayne travels through Idahaho in his classic '57 Thunderbird, a devastating accident is the catalyst for a journey he isn't expecting. Alone in the deep forest, with his body battered and broken, Jake calss out for help. And the help he finds changes not only his life but his whole reality. Jake is opened up to awareness' of possibilities. Possibilities that we have always known should be, but have not shown up. Are you willing to have a world where language is not a barrier and people communicate telepathically, where the ability to heal and nurture one another is not limited to the qualified few? Author Gary Douglas is. To Learn more about this incredible novel please visit: What people say... "This novel is so well written that it transported me to "The Place" and made me wish I was one of the characters and wonder how this world could be id that kind of stuff was possible?" --Claudia "Reading 'The Place' has been a delightful and refreshing experience for me. This book gives a very different perspective on life and the possibilities presented. In a way i have been dreaming of this place, but I had no idea that someone else would have the same vision, so maybe this 'place' actually exists? That would be a dream come true beyond my wildest imagination! A great read that made me desire to read it again and again, and every time I did, there would be more things I would become aware of, that were hiding in the depth of the wonderful language presented in this book." --Suzy

You can find it in e-book or in print for Brazil or the United States

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* can be run in looping with and without volume

Abuse Energy Cleaning Audio - Gary Douglas

This audio begins to clean up the insane places where people receive abuse (from any source: physical, emotional, psychological (gaslighting), spiritual, sexual, financial ...)

Entity Clearing Processes (English) - Shannon O'Hara

Have you ever wanted to clean houses, haunted land?

What if you could change your views on the spirit world?

This audio begins to change the way you work with spirits and to clear energies that may not be contributing to you.

Clearing spaces, houses and land (Portuguese) - Shannon O'Hara

Being you, living beyond judgment - Dr. Dain Heer (clarifying processes in English)

Living in total abundance - Dr. Dain Heer (clarifying processes in English)


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